
By CoryHarris

How To Reduce Anxiety Naturally : Advice From A Health Coach

What is Anxiety?

Simply stated, anxiety refers to how your body reacts to stress. Symptoms may include both physical and psychological reactions that are indicative of anxiety. Anxiety is believed to originate in the amygdala area of your brain which regulates multiple intense emotional reactions and keeps the body on high alert in response to perceived crises; but prolonged anxiety can become destructive and compromise physical and mental wellbeing.

No one can dispute that we are facing a global anxiety epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, one out of 13 people worldwide suffer from an anxiety disorder; approximately 40 million in the U.S. alone experience one during any given year – two thirds being females and 8% children or teens. Many who struggle with anxiety seek assistance and treatments, including natural methods to decrease it.

There are various approaches available to us for managing anxiety and stress. Today we will delve further into the multiple layers of anxiety, what your own anxiety could be telling you and give some strategies and support options when anxiety rears its ugly head again.

Let’s first discuss what anxiety is and its various manifestations in the body, along with its association with chronic diseases like heart disease, digestive disorders and respiratory issues that are chronic. Harvard Medical School article notes that an untreated fear of anxiety disorder makes managing physical symptoms even harder to bear; some even believe they will die earlier than expected due to such challenges.

Tips that will decrease the intensity of your anxiety.

Accept Your Anxiety

The first step on the path toward recovery is acknowledging you have a problem. Once you recognize anxiety is part of you right now, you can begin attacking it head on with an open and positive mindset.

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Break Up Big Projects

When living with anxiety coaching, our schedules can become very chaotic. Even appearing to procrastinate could become overwhelming – if this happens to you. By breaking major tasks into smaller ones and tasks you might feel less overwhelmed. Breaking big projects down will also ease pressure off when they must be completed for business operations’ smooth running.

Reduce Anxiety by Reaching Out

Honesty is always the best policy, so if anxiety has become an overwhelming force in your life, it would be beneficial to talk to someone close or someone in your work environment who can listen and offer support while helping to release feelings. Stress associated with anxiety can often become too much to handle alone – do not hesitate to seek assistance should this be something that resonates with you if this article has resonated.

Make A Vision Board

Are You Focused On The Future But Feel Helpless About Accomplishing Anything Or Reach Your Goals In Life? For this, create a vision board to give yourself something positive to focus on and envision what the future has in store – be it at work or even relationships?

Positive Affirmations

They can be invaluable tools in managing anxiety. By repeating affirmations to yourself over and over, you’ll experience an uplifted feeling in times of tension – such as “you can overcome this” or “anxiety is not defined by me”. Affirmations change how we think and can transform how our minds work.

Relieve Anxiety with Conscious breathing

Conscious breathing can be an excellent way to relieve stress and reduce anxiety in the present. Simply open your nostrils for four seconds, hold for seven, and release eight breaths into eight minutes – you should find an ideal location where you can practice this breathing technique whenever feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

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Some natural remedies for anxiety we recommend include:

  • Exercising
  • Spending time outside
  • Gardening
  • Meditating
  • Doing yoga
  • Practicing deep breathing
  • Acupuncture
  • Aromatherapy
  • Massage
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Limiting alcohol and caffeine intake
  • Spending time planning and prioritizing
  • Journaling
  • Connecting with others
  • Seeking the support of a Health Coach, therapist, or counselor

If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, working with a health coach is an invaluable source of support and assistance. They will suggest strategies, tools and approaches to help reduce your anxiety that are tailored specifically to you and lifestyle needs; plus help identify what may have led to it in the first place.