
By CoryHarris

15 Push-Ups You Should Try

Resistance Band Push-Ups

1) Wrap the band around your back, just below your armpits. Holding onto the handles, wrap the band around each hand one more time to tighten.

2) Kneel on the ground, place your handles against the flooring, and then stretch your legs until you’re in a plank.

3) Lower your chest slowly to the floor, keeping your body long. Keep your arms extended until you feel the pressure. Repeat.

Army Crawl Push-Ups

  1. A) Start in a plank position, with your shoulders above your wrists and your feet together.
  2. B) Now bend your left arm to the forearm plank position. Next, bend your right arm to the full forearm position.
  3. C) Place your left hand on the mat below your shoulder. Push through your palm to raise yourself. Once you have reached the top, place the right palm of your left hand on the ground under your right shoulder. Then push yourself back into a plank.
  4. D) Lower your chest to the floor and do a push-up. Continue with your right arm.

Push-up T

1) Start in a plank position, with your hands under shoulders. Keep your legs straight and your abdominals tight.

2) Lower your chest towards the ground and bend elbows, keeping your gaze in front.

  1. Press your chest back into the starting position. Now, open your right hand and hip towards the ceiling. You will be in a side plank. Keep your feet straight and your legs long.

4) Rotate your right hand to the starting position. Repeat this exercise by extending your left hand into a side-plank. This is just one repetition.

Push-Up Punch

  1. A) Start in a plank position, with your shoulders above your wrists and your feet together.
  2. B) Keep your body straight and bend your arms so that your body is parallel to the ground.
  3. C) Bend your arms straightening your body to bring your body into a plank position. Lower your hand towards the floor and punch your left arm with the push-up.
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Push-up for Medicine Ball Rolling

1) Start in a plank with your right hand on top a medicine ball, and your left hand on the ground. With arms extended, your hands should be directly below your shoulders.

2) Lower your chest towards the floor and bend your elbows while keeping your body straight. If this seems too difficult, you can bend your knees to place them on the floor.

3) Push up to get into the starting position, then move the ball to your left side. Continue the push-up by keeping the ball under your left hand. This is only one repetition.

Push-Up Jack

  1. A) Start in a plank position, with your shoulders above your wrists and your feet together.
  2. B) Lower to push-up position while jumping feet wide. Keep your abs straight and your back tight.
  3. C) To return to the beginning, jump your feet together and straighten your arms. This is a one-time rep.

Stability Ball Push-Up

1) Start in a plank with your feet on the ball. Keep your body straight.

2) Inhale and bend your elbows towards the floor. Inhale and push your elbows back to plank position.

Walking Push-Up

  1. A) Place your hands on the mat, feet apart, with your legs extended. B) Now, place your toes on the floor in a plank position, with your abdominals engaged.
  2. B) Move your right foot and right hand to the side. Next, lower your body to a push-up by bending your elbows towards the sides. Then press your arms up and bring your left and right feet back to their starting positions. Repeat the process on the opposite side.
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Spiderman Push-Up

  1. A) With your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, your legs extended, and your toes in a plank position, with your abdominals engaged, start with your hands slightly wider than the shoulders.
  2. B) Do a push-up. Bend your elbows to the side, lower your head towards the mat, and pull your left knee towards your outside elbow. Hold this position for one count. Then press down to plank and return your foot to the mat. Repeat the process on the opposite side.

Down Dog Push-Up

  1. Start with your hands and feet shoulder width apart. Your hips should be raised so your body forms an inverted V.
  2. B) Lower your hips and perform a push-up. Push-up: Place your hips parallel to the floor and raise your hips. After you’re done, lift your hips up to the starting position so that your body forms an inverted V.

Push-Up Dive Bomber

  1. Start with your hands and feet shoulder width apart. Your hips should be raised so your body forms an inverted V.
  2. B) Keep your shoulder down and your elbows away from your ears. Bend your arms as you bring your chest forward.
  3. C) Keep moving forward, straightening your arms and bringing your chest up. Your hips should now hover just above the ground. For the final push-up, you can reverse the glide and raise your hips up.

Shoulder Tap Push Up

  1. A) Start in a plank with your hands under your shoulders, and your feet about hip width apart. Keep your abdominals tight and legs straight as you lower your chest towards the ground, keeping your elbows bent and pointing behind.
  2. B) Inhale and push your arms backwards to extend your arms. Next, lift your right hand up and tap your left shoulder at top. Continue tapping the other arm.
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Push-Up for the Triceps

  1. A) Lie on your back, stacking your hips, shoulders, and feet. Place your top hand on the mat in front of your lower shoulder. Wrap the bottom hand around your waist, below your chest.
  2. B) Your top arm does the rest. You press your head up, then lower to the mat until you are back in the starting position. The top arm will feel your tricep muscles working. Repeat the process on the opposite side.

3-Point Push-Up

1) Start in a plank position, hands under shoulders, legs extended behind, and your body straight.

2) Bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the floor. Keep your right leg straight under you body.

  1. Tighten your abdominals until your chest is tight. Then, press down on the chest to raise the arms.

4) Repeat using left leg. This is one time.

Modified 3-Point Push Up

  1. A) Start by laying on your back, then slowly lift your left leg behind you.
  2. B) Keep your left leg straight in front of you and bend your arms so that you can lower yourself to a push-up position. Keep your arms straightening towards the starting position. Continue this several times, then switch to the other side.